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7.07 The Fine Art Of service Recovery, 33 pages

28.00 $

As Power Point Presentation, this compact manual covers all the aspects of service
Recovery. An excellent training tool for pre-openings with professional slogans and
Highlighting the essentials, especially for deluxe boutique properties.


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In Power Point

The Fine Art of Service Recovery



Page 1 





What is service ?


Form groups of four and try to define service In next 15 minutes.



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What is service ?


Why is service so difficult to define accurately ?


  • It is not tangible. It cannot be weighed or measured. It is more emotional than rational.

  • You can sell it, but you cannot give a custome sample to take and show to another.

        Having given it, the customer may not have  acquired any thing.


        Service cannot be standardised.


Page 3



Also service can be seen in different ways, for instance 


  • By different people in the same cultural group

  • By the same person at times and in different moods

  • By people from different social cultural and  geographical backgrounds

  • By people with different levels of knowledge and experience.


Page 4



How service is seen depends on the expectations people have in advance.


Experience = Expectation ———– Satisfaction


Experience  > Expectation ———– Delight


Experience < Expectation  ————Dissatisfaction


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